From that one send on channel 1 to the instrument track. Just add another track, like your channel 2,3 etc tracks. And modifying the faders on the other Reaper tracks has no effect, but I can always modify the level of the sends instead.

But I can always mute the other sends instead if need be. But because everything goes through Reaper track 1, if I solo Reaper track 1 then obviously I still hear everything. Yeah, I don't think we are getting each other.all I've done is what Low_Pressure said (with all MIDI tracks), which is to have Edirol Orchestral on Reaper track 1, then have a send going to Reaper track 1, from each of the other Reaper tracks, on MIDI channels 2,3,4 etc. In any case, where ever possible I by far prefer to level my volumes in the audio realm on the outputs of my instruments. It's on all my MIDI tracks anyway and does the job for me. I always use ReaControlMIDI, myself if I ever need to set MIDI volumes. Plus, I can't seem to find anything about it in the manual. But additionally you need to check your track's MIDI send, whether that green MIDI button is lit and whether the send volume is set to what would be 0dB on the audio side (but is actually value 127 for MIDI, if that green button is lit).Īs said, this method is quite painful to set up, especially if you use all 16 channels. The option is in the track's right click menu under "MIDI track controls" -> "Link volume/pan to MIDI channel.", Choose the correct channel for this track. That only works on tracks that send their MIDI via a post fader send (so it would work in this case).

Or, in V4 you can switch track's sliders to send MIDI CC7/CC10. One instance on each MIDI track leading to the instrument, set to the appropriate channel. If you want to set a MIDI volume for each individual channel of a multichannel VSTi, best use ReaControlMIDI. I can mute/solo all tracks which are routed as outputs of a multiout VSTi with no problem.